Fusion Studios

Friday 27 June 2014

The Model Factory

The Model Factory

The Model Factory are a fashion photography studio specializing in fashion photo shoots for aspiring models, from sassy female modelling shoots to child modelling portfolios.

They have over 50 staff and thousands of happy customers across the UK. The Model Factory is not a modelling agency as we do not find models work, but we have an enormous amount of expertise in the area. With over 12 years experience in the modelling industry we will provide you with the tools you need and useful ongoing support. Our team are dedicated to ensuring you have a safe and secure experience in kick starting your modelling career.

Visit our studios and take a tour of where we work. If you are thinking of becoming a model and not sure what to do or want essential diet tips, contact Craig Higgins Chef for tasty and healthy new cooking ideas.

Monday 23 June 2014

Baby Bonding and Modelling Tips

Baby Bonding and Modelling Tips

Babies can’t give you the kind of feedback you might desperately wish, so there are few ways to know what they think about you. As you and your baby get to know each other, you'll get glimmers that a bond is forming, and that can be more meaningful than a big declaration of love. Attachment is an ongoing process, and when you take care of your baby, he falls more in love with you every day. Here are three ways to know for sure.

They know you're you

Within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver, and they prefer her to other people. They recognise your face, your smell and how you feel.
After a while you will become an expert on what your baby's various cries mean. Relentless and desperate usually means hunger, abrupt might mean pain, and more plaintive can signal discomfort. You'll figure it out through trial and error, eventually grasping nuances that will baffle outsiders. The better you know his language, the better you can meet your baby’s needs.

They'll  flirt with you

Within a month or so of being born, babies respond to the facial expressions of their mothers, and without thinking about it, the moms start doing it right back. We're talking about the smiles, the meaningful looks, the coy looking away and back again. These goofy games appear to be as important in cementing a baby's attachment as your responses to her physical needs. At around three months, she'll also be unable to take her eyes off of you and will stare at you constantly.
Flirt back and don't be afraid to use your expressions. Face-to-face interaction is part of how babies learn about positive interactions. You own child's starting to realize that with a single look, she can show you how happy she is that you're around.

They’ll smile at you

You know those people who say that your baby's early smiles are just gas or an involuntary reflex? Don't listen to them. Recent research indicates that an infant's grin may mean a lot more. The goofy new born smiles may be your baby reflecting your own.
The first social smiles start brightening moms' days between six and eight weeks. Your baby may smile when he sees your face. They are starting to associate your face with feeling good. If you think they have what it takes to start baby modelling this bond will be essential.

If you need to improve your online reputation, try Yahoo Reputation. Visit Yahoo Reputation website or watch the Yahoo Reputation video online. 

Female Modelling Dieting Tips

Female Modelling Dieting Tips

Most people wonder how international fashion models, with the hectic schedule, can fit in three healthy meals a day into their lives. However, a great secret of models is that they usually do not eat three meals in a day, as most people think they are supposed to do. Models, instead, very often use the technique of ‘’noshing’’, eating over six times a day.

Professional models' dieting tips and strategies are clearly things they take very seriously. Unlike with most people, dieting and eating right are actually part of the job for a model as they always have to look their best. Female models, more than male models’ that have to pile on the calories to work out, dieting tips are for stranger and more sporadic. However, they still need constant energy.
With the ‘’noshing’’ diet secret, you do not go around feeling hungry and you take in as many calories as you normally have been taking in. Indeed, the great trick to ‘’noshing’’ is you eat less food at a given time, but you eat more often throughout the day. With a Pure Reputation nibbling diet, you eat five or even six times a day. Female models on this trick still eat main meal, but these are smaller also give themselves "snacks" in between meals.

Please note that the nibbling diet has nothing to do with skipping meals, and also keep in mind that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Models need to work out to look their best, and they can’t do that if they don’t consume enough energy.

Another dieting tip of models is one that can be tied in to "noshing" but does not necessarily need to be. This is fixing and staying on an eating schedule is important to London modelling. Not merely "breakfast, then lunch, then dinner", but exact times or narrow ranges of times when, even if you are not feeling hungry, you eat anyway because it is time to eat. The beautiful, super-sexy singer Mariah Carey says she lost a good number of unwanted pounds, and has kept them off, by learning to eat every four hours like clockwork, without exception. If you need more advice, you can learn about how to become a model and eat right, thanks to Craig Higgins Chef.