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Monday 23 June 2014

Baby Bonding and Modelling Tips

Baby Bonding and Modelling Tips

Babies can’t give you the kind of feedback you might desperately wish, so there are few ways to know what they think about you. As you and your baby get to know each other, you'll get glimmers that a bond is forming, and that can be more meaningful than a big declaration of love. Attachment is an ongoing process, and when you take care of your baby, he falls more in love with you every day. Here are three ways to know for sure.

They know you're you

Within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver, and they prefer her to other people. They recognise your face, your smell and how you feel.
After a while you will become an expert on what your baby's various cries mean. Relentless and desperate usually means hunger, abrupt might mean pain, and more plaintive can signal discomfort. You'll figure it out through trial and error, eventually grasping nuances that will baffle outsiders. The better you know his language, the better you can meet your baby’s needs.

They'll  flirt with you

Within a month or so of being born, babies respond to the facial expressions of their mothers, and without thinking about it, the moms start doing it right back. We're talking about the smiles, the meaningful looks, the coy looking away and back again. These goofy games appear to be as important in cementing a baby's attachment as your responses to her physical needs. At around three months, she'll also be unable to take her eyes off of you and will stare at you constantly.
Flirt back and don't be afraid to use your expressions. Face-to-face interaction is part of how babies learn about positive interactions. You own child's starting to realize that with a single look, she can show you how happy she is that you're around.

They’ll smile at you

You know those people who say that your baby's early smiles are just gas or an involuntary reflex? Don't listen to them. Recent research indicates that an infant's grin may mean a lot more. The goofy new born smiles may be your baby reflecting your own.
The first social smiles start brightening moms' days between six and eight weeks. Your baby may smile when he sees your face. They are starting to associate your face with feeling good. If you think they have what it takes to start baby modelling this bond will be essential.

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